Easiest Way to Cook Delicious Nasi pecel pincuk ala bunda atik
Nasi pecel pincuk ala bunda atik.
You can have Nasi pecel pincuk ala bunda atik using 12 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you achieve that.
Ingredients of Nasi pecel pincuk ala bunda atik
- You need of Sambal pecel Kediri(dpt oleh2 dari ayah).
- It's 1 ikat of sayur bayam.
- You need 1 ikat of sayur kangkung.
- You need 4 lembar of sayur sawi putih.
- You need Sejumput of kecambah.
- You need 1 ikat of sayur kecipir.
- It's of Tempe.
- It's of Telur.
- It's 1 bungkus of tepung sajiku+2 sdm tepung terigu.
- It's of Air.
- It's of Biting/lidi.
- You need of Daun pisang.
Nasi pecel pincuk ala bunda atik instructions
- Potong sayur-sayurannya, cuci bersih.
- Didihkan air lalu masak sayur satu persatu.
- Goreng gimbal tempe/tempe tepung..tempe celupkan ke adonan tepung basah lalu goreng.
- Lumerkan sambal pecel..siapkan semua bahan dan sajikan ke daun pisang.
- Saijkan nasi pecel, gimbal tempe+telor ceplok.
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